Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Being a Moral Leader Starts with Asking Why. Again and Again


As children we ask “why” instinctively, but as adults we tend to lose this gift. We become complacent as we accept the rules of the game given us by society and the rules we internalized for ourselves. We rely on and become addicted to games and systems that play to our strengths, and the systems […]

Being a Moral Leader Starts with Asking Why. Again and Again Read More »

Diversity Inside & Out & Across Talent Platforms

Opportunity: How can we harness greater freelance participation to drive more diversity into the workforce as it is being reshaped? “Never in human history have there been more options for people to work the way they want. The platform economy is a true democratizing agent in the global space. Unfortunately, entire swaths of individuals are missing

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To support diversity, we need the courage to learn to disagree and discover different aspects of each other


A narrow perception of reality impairs our ability to appreciate diverse perspectives. Here’s how to broaden your human horizon. Our world is both less diverse and more monotonous. We live in smaller circles and join online echo chambers that confirm our worldviews. A narrower perception of reality impairs our ability to appreciate the perspectives —

To support diversity, we need the courage to learn to disagree and discover different aspects of each other Read More »

Neurodiversity and weaving a more beautiful human tapestry at work


Highlights from a FACCNE webinar on diversity and inclusion, May 2021 The primary source of stress for workers is not long hours — it is tasks that are not well suited to their skills and the time and resources managers provide. Being more conscious of how individuals are present at work is essential to lowering stress and

Neurodiversity and weaving a more beautiful human tapestry at work Read More »

Building an Orchestra of Conductors


Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition (only) in case of success. – Ad placed by Sir Ernest Shackleton seeking a team of men to join him on his expedition to make the first crossing of the Antarctic.[1] When classical music performances were suspended until summer 2021, Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Conductor Benjamin Zander

Building an Orchestra of Conductors Read More »