Wellbeing and Mental Health

Feeling stressed or anxious? Reach for a pencil or paintbrush instead of your smartphone


“Making art allows the lava of emotions pent-up inside of me to flow out slowly, avoiding an eruption. I fear that if people don’t express themselves creatively, all the natural frustrations of life will boil up and burst out uncontrollably, with less-than-ideal repercussions.” — Gregory Burns Many of us search out outlets for our pent-up lava […]

Feeling stressed or anxious? Reach for a pencil or paintbrush instead of your smartphone Read More »

A modest proposal and the making of a caring company

Perfect dose @Ellen Feldman — Love, the life-giving garden of this world (Rumi)

The Great Resignation & why we need more caring companies that measure kindness and giving at work. We’re in business to save our home planet. (Patagonia’s mission statement) We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us. (Sufi poet Rumi) As the great resignation reshuffles the workforce, experts mention remote work or childcare issues

A modest proposal and the making of a caring company Read More »

Burnout in the “Passion Economy”: Mental Health for Open Talent

Open talent platforms are in a unique position to pioneer and design the future of work. Interest in the “freelance revolution” is strong — there were already 60 million freelancers in the U.S in 2020 (up two million from the prior year). With the rapid growth of the open talent arena, new challenges arise, both out of the pandemic,

Burnout in the “Passion Economy”: Mental Health for Open Talent Read More »

To improve mental health at work, we need to take off our emotional masks.

With Mel Martin If we learn to love ourselves as we truly are, we‘re one step closer to mental health & making safe workplace. We have privileged appearance and success and ignored mental health as a society for so long that our mental health barometer is off. We believe that it is time for a reset of

To improve mental health at work, we need to take off our emotional masks. Read More »

MH at work: from self care seminars to employment law

Ten years ago, Psychology Today warned that a “silent tsunami” of mental disorders in the workplace “could engulf organizations in [a] myriad of productivity and profitability problems as well as legal liabilities unless mental health is addressed as seriously as are marketing, compensation, and strategic plans.”[1] The silent tsunami is here, consisting of mental health issues, the need

MH at work: from self care seminars to employment law Read More »

The shock and trauma of Covid changed us forever. How companies can train middle managers to address it.

Covid is endemic, as are its wounds to our psyche. The “Great Resignation” will pale compared to the collective cognitive slowdown Covid has caused and will continue to cause at home and at work. Our companies and capitalist societies are hooked on growth, performance, and productivity. We will need to wean ourselves from them because–if

The shock and trauma of Covid changed us forever. How companies can train middle managers to address it. Read More »

Who are the Naomi Osakas and Michael Phelps of the business world? We are.

No one knows all the sacrifices that you make just to be good. Naomi Osaka[i] [Michael’s] career came before his happiness. He dedicated every breath and heartbeat to accomplishing what he did. He sacrificed the self to be the greatest. Michael Phelps’ wife, Nicole Johnson Phelps[ii] You have spent decades honing a skill at which you outperform

Who are the Naomi Osakas and Michael Phelps of the business world? We are. Read More »

What a slug and a heavyweight champion can teach us about reinvention and post-traumatic transformation

With Mel Martin and Alfredo Sáenz “The question for all of us is: how do we get up again after this K.O.rona? Corona is a trauma. It is also a teacher. We have to learn as much as you can from it to prepare for the future, not to dream of the “best version of

What a slug and a heavyweight champion can teach us about reinvention and post-traumatic transformation Read More »

To improve mental health at work, focus on the work part. There is no app for antiquated management.

Our April 20, 2020 op-ed entitled “The next pandemic? A mental health crisis?” warned corporate leaders and public health officials that the Covid-19 pandemic would take an even deeper toll on Americans’ mental health than on their physical health. Sadly, we were right. The toll on mental health is staggering. Nearly one third of Americans are experiencing symptoms of clinical depression

To improve mental health at work, focus on the work part. There is no app for antiquated management. Read More »